How To Prevent Muscle Loss When You Can’t Exercise

After all the hard work of getting in shape the last thing we want is to lose our progress. So how can we prevent muscle loss and fat gain? You can adopt several smart nutritional strategies to help preserve muscle and simultaneously keep you from gaining bodyfat. How…

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Ezekiel Bread The Real Wonder Bread Of Good Health

The real wonder bread is Ezekiel bread. It is a miracle food for those that are trying to lower carbs and curb hunger. One slice of Ezekiel bread is 80 calories. Ezekiel bread is a spout bread that is full of nutrition. The best part of ezekiel bread,…

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Creatine Can Increase Muscle Mass, Boost Memory And More!

I am not a personal trainer that believes in pushing supplements onto my clients. In fact, I tell clients you really don’t need any supplements. Very few supplements have the scientific backed benefits the way creatine has, It is energy for our muscles and brains. What is Creatine Monohydrate? Creatine is…

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