Have you ever heard somebody say “Just eat in moderation.” That person also probably lost a lot of weight. I’ve talked about counting macros before but I have never mentioned just eating in moderation.
What Does Eating in Moderation Even Mean?
For some of us, moderation might mean scaling back in your indulgences and being able to have just a taste of something rather than eat the whole thing.
For others, moderation might be the total opposite of that. Letting yourself have some dessert rather than cutting off all sweets altogether. Perhaps it means eating healthy with one bad item on the side think chicken breast and a salad with a side of fries.
For many it tends to mean portion controlling what you eat. Scaling the amount of food you consume down on a plate. If you eat a whole bowl of pasta, you would have half a bowl of pasta instead.

Moderation To Me
For me, moderation has changed over the years as my goals are much different now. Currently moderation for me, means. Dropping carbohydrates after 7pm from meals and not eating after midnight. I also have cut out all sugar unless I’m out with friends which brings up my other moderation.
Moderation also means to me, to be free to enjoy when I’m out at an event with friends. There is a such thing as being too strict, so I’m also moderating that to find what I like to think is balance.
Moderation According to Webster (1)
“In a way that is reasonable and not excessive”
Websters Dictionary
The reason I don’t use the word moderation is that it means many different things to different people. No one except you can determine what moderation strategy works best for you. Moderation means finding a balance, finding ways to help you enjoy the way you eat and train. It is about having a healthy relationship with your food and exercise regimen.
Below I will link various ways you can help find your balance. Hopefully it can help you and if you have any questions on finding your personal balance, I am always open to trying to help, feel free to contact me.
Counting Macros and How to Understand Them
How To Manipulate Macros, So They Work For You
Intermittent Fasting The Way To Making Dieting Simple