One of the few diets that work with science behind it is the Keto diet. It has plenty of science behind it and it is relatively simple to follow. The diet works extremely well when done right. The crazy thing about the keto diet is you can get more energy and focus from it.
What is a Keto Diet?
A keto diet is a no carbohydrate diet. You can replace carbohydrates with fats and protein. I am more in favor personally of upping the protein vs upping the fat. Both ways however work. In generally you won’t need to count calories or macros with this diet. This is a big plus for most people as they seem to struggle with keeping up with macros or calories.
When you eliminate carbohydrates, your body will slip into a state of ketosis. Essentially, it’s a fancy way of staying it pulls from your body fat for energy. Carbohydrates are our bodies main energy source when you shut off the means to get energy our bodies are forced to utilize our fat.

Somebody might be saying to themselves but what about the fat and protein we are eating instead. The system for breaking down fat and protein is different. Most fats get utilized for many other factors and not stored as energy. As for protein it takes five times the amount of energy to break down. Like fat it also gets utilized for other things while left over protein does convert to glycogen it is not to the same scale as carbohydrates.
Once glycogen tanks get filled the excess energy will be converted to body fat incase food supplies run out. Hint they rarely ever run out of food in any first world country. We have fast food at every corner it is virtually impossible.
Once In Ketosis
It can take a few days for ketosis to kick in especially if you haven’t done a keto diet. The range varies from 2 to 7 days depending on the person. Once you are in the state of ketosis, I told you your energy levels will rocket. I will warn you beforehand, the days leading up to ketosis Your body will be crashing hard till it can get the ketones from your body fat to supply your energy
Once ketosis kicks in the body becomes incredibly efficient at burning fat for energy. It turns fat in to ketones in the liver and can supply energy to the brain. This energy supplied to the brain makes you feel incredibly focus it also make you feel super energized. (1)
Keto for Diabetics and Prediabetics

Ketogenic diets cause a significant reduction in blood sugar levels and insulin levels. A keto diet can make the difference of a borderline diabetic saving themselves from becoming a full diabetic.
I am not an endocrinologist so I can’t go into specifics about how insulin functions in a way to make the average reader understand like I do with exercise. Instead, I cited a lot of scientific studies for those that want better details as to why things work from scientific studies.
A study found that a ketogenic diet improved insulin sensitivity by 75% (4)
A small study in women with type 2 diabetes also found that following a ketogenic diet for 90 days significantly reduced levels of hemoglobin A1C, which is a measure of long-term blood sugar management (5)
Blood Sugar medications were decreased significantly by many diabetics that followed a keto diet and stayed on the ketogenic diet and overall health improved (6)
Heart Benefits:
The keto diet drops bodyfat which is a the most significant cause of heart disease but outside of that obvious reason does it help with heart disease in other ways? The answer would be Yes! It does. IT drops bad cholesterol while boosting HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol). Blood Pressure also drops and blood sugars levels stabilize. (7)

Potential Cancer Fighting Benefits:
At this current time Ketogenic diet is being looked at for helping to slow down the spread of cancer and to be a possible cancer treatment. Sugar plays a vital role in causing cancer in our body. Tumor growth tends to happen more rapidly in people with high sugar levels. It makes sense that Ketogenic diet would help. (8,9,10)
Personally, I would try to limit sugar in general it is a poison but that is just my opinion.
Brain Diseases, How the Ketogenic Diet May Help
When I was originally writing this article I did not know just how beneficial ketogenic is outside of weight loss, diabetes and heart disease. As I kept researching I found so many studies. It seems Ketogenics diets may help with various brain diseases.
I have a theory on why this is, when in ketosis we produce ketones which give the brain energy. In truth most Americans are never in ketosis so we never supply our brain with vital nutrition that it needs. It is just a theory. I would love to discuss this topic with people as I fine it fascinating
- Alzheimer’s Disease: The keto diet may help reduce symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and slow its progression (11)
- Epilepsy: Research has shown that the ketogenic diet can cause significant reductions in seizures in epileptic children (12)
- Parkinson’s Disease: Although more research is needed, one study found that the diet helped improve symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (13)
- Brain Injuries: Some research suggests that the diet could improve outcomes of traumatic brain injuries (14)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
The last study I will post, is a benefit for those females that struggle with PCOS. The ketogenic diet can help reduce insulin levels, play a key role in polycystic ovary syndrome. While it won’t cure it, it can stop it from going out of control. (15)
A Few Recipes To Get You Started
Whenever you start a new diet it is always good to plan ahead. Here are a few recipes to get you started.
- Melty Cheese Omelet Recipe It’s Keto Friendly and Easy To Make
- Zucchini Lasagna Recipe, A Better Alternative To High Carb Lasagna
- Delicious And Carb Free Garlic Paprika Chicken Breast Recipe
In Conclusion
The ketogenic diet is great for those who have a hard time counting calories. For prediabetics as well as diabetics or really anybody that wants to improve their metabolic health. If you are a healthy person that is just looking to lose some weight. The ketogenic diet can be a great choice for you.
I don’t think people need to be on the ketogenic diet permanently unless you are a diabetic but it is a great tool that can aid you in your weight loss journey and it is a healthy tool for the body to use once in a while.
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